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Buy Tiromel (T3)

Tiromel (T3)

$170.00 $150.00

Tiromel T3, also known as Liothyronine Sodium, is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). It is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and certain thyroid disorders. In bodybuilding and fitness communities, Tiromel T3 is sometimes utilized as a fat loss agent due to its impact on metabolism.

Learn more about Tiromel (T3).

Tiromel (T3) Usage

Effective Fat Burning Aid
Reduces Body Fat in Problem Areas
Can be Taken by Both Men and Women
Usage: Men 25-75 mcg/day
Cycle Duration: 4-7 weeks for optimal results
Stack With: Combines very well with Clen, Cardarine and Cutting Steroid agents

Tiromel (T3) General Information

(T3) is a thyroid hormone known for its high activity, and it is not classified as an anabolic or androgenic substance. The primary active ingredient in the drug is liothyronine sodium, which mimics the effects of the natural thyroid hormone L-T3 (L-triiodothyronine). In bodybuilding, this hormone is frequently utilized to stimulate metabolism. While it is commonly used for cutting cycles, it can also be employed for muscle-building purposes. has the ability to bind to androgen receptors, contributing to its positive impact on fat burning.

Tiromel (T3) Benefits

Bodybuilders use to enhance metabolism, leading to increased metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. The thyroid hormone promotes lipolysis, the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat. is often employed by bodybuilders before competitions during the pre-competitive period, enabling users to achieve an optimal body composition with low body fat without the need for an extremely low-calorie diet.

Athletes using the drug at lower dosages may experience enhanced effectiveness of concurrently used steroids due to the increased absorption of stimulated protein. The hyperstimulation of the thyroid gland allows users to burn a significant number of calories. In some cases, for maximum results, can be used in conjunction with Clenbuterol.

The thyroid hormone itself produces several positive effects on the body, including:

  • Stimulated metabolism
  • Increased body heat, facilitating fat burning
  • Reduced subcutaneous fat deposits
  • Stimulated function of the central nervous system
  • Decreased appetite
  • Reduced need for sleep
  • Improved physical performance
Compared to other fat burners, is considered superior to many known drugs.

Tiromel (T3) Possible Side Effects

Exceeding recommended dosages or encountering individual intolerances to the drug may lead to negative reactions, such as rapid heartbeat, impaired heart rate, a feeling of uneasiness, asthma attacks, excessive sweating, diarrhea, increased sugar levels in urine, skin hypersensitivity, a constant feeling of pressure in the heart, and disturbances in mental state. Major weight loss can also occur.

Commonly reported side effects among bodybuilders include upper extremity tremors, frequent headaches, palpitations, and excessive sweating. Quickly avoiding adverse reactions is possible by reducing the normal dosages. However, caution is advised when using T3, as it is a fast-acting drug.

Tiromel (T3) Other Information

A cycle typically begins gradually, starting at 20 mcg (half a tablet) for the initial dosages. In the first days of the cycle, it's also possible to take a quarter tablet. Dosages should be gradually increased every 2-4 days.

Gradual reduction of the drug dosage at the end of the cycle is recommended to prevent a sharp discontinuation of hormone intake. The duration of use of the medication should be 3-4 weeks, with a recommended maximum cycle length of 6 weeks. A break of at least two months between repeated cycles is advisable to minimize risks.

During the cycle, it's important to monitor body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. If these values exceed normal ranges, it could indicate a disruption to the body's function. An elevated body temperature nearing 39 degrees Celsius and a heart rate exceeding 100 beats per minute during rest periods may suggest significant muscle mass loss and potential thyroid damage. Regular monitoring and adjustments to the cycle are essential for managing potential risks.

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