Buy Ligandrol (LGD4033)

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Buy Ligandrol (LGD4033)

Ligandrol (LGD4033)

Peak Pharma
60 Tablets
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) is a potent  SARM, typically used by weightlifters for bulking purposes; due to its positive effects on muscle strength and hypertrophy. Ligandrol and other selective androgen receptor modulators show promise for the potential treatment of cachexia, due to its anabolic effects and tissue selectivity. LGD 4033 strongly binds to the androgen receptor, similar to steroids; however, it is a weak agonist in the prostate.

Therefore, the androgenic effects of  testosterone  and other anabolic steroids, will not occur with LGD 4033, preventing prostate hyperplasia. LGD 4033 was described in 2007, as being synthesized by Ligand Pharmaceuticals (hence its name ‘Ligandrol’) — an American biotechnology company. Due to its recent formulation, the long-term effects of LGD 4033 are currently unknown, with it being classed as a ‘research compound’ and yet to receive FDA approval. Thus, LGD 4033 is not legal for cosmetic purposes (building muscle); however, it is legal for research purposes i.e. administering it to your rat.

Learn more about Ligandrol (LGD4033).

Ligandrol (LGD4033) Usage

Muscle Growth
Strength Gains
Ideal Bulking Compound
Usage: 10-20mg/day
Cycle Duration: 8 weeks
Stack With: For more significant result combine with other SARMs

Ligandrol (LGD4033) Benefits

Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is an oral non-steroidal drug that yields results comparable to those of steroids. Its active compound has a selective effect, promoting anabolic growth and enhancing bone strength without impacting the prostate gland. One key advantage of Ligandrol is its ability to avoid elevating estrogen and cortisol levels. Due to its selective nature, the drug achieves significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic impact. Apoxar LGD-4033 boasts a 10:1 ratio of anabolic to androgenic index, a notable improvement compared to the 1:1 ratio seen in many steroid substances.

Positive properties of LGD-4033 include:

  • Selective binding to androgen receptors
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved muscle definition
  • Enhanced endurance
  • Stimulated reduction in body fat
  • Increased activity of muscle fibers
  • Anti-catabolic effect, retaining muscle volume during cutting phases
  • Strengthened bone tissues
  • Accelerated muscle recovery
  • Normalized blood circulation
  • No fluid retention in tissues
  • No toxic effect on the liver
  • Minimal side reactions
  • No tolerance buildup

Recovery of testosterone concentration after Ligandrol use is faster than with anabolic-androgenic steroids, as it does not reduce the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). This allows for a quicker return of testosterone to normal levels without the hormonal "drop" seen in some other cycles.

Ligandrol is characterized by mild androgenic side effects, making it suitable for use by women. If undesired symptoms occur, reducing the dosage is recommended.

Clinical testing has demonstrated Ligandrol's pronounced anabolic effect, showcasing its unique ability to build muscle mass, enhance strength, expedite recovery after intense physical training, reduce fat accumulation, increase vitality, and improve emotional well-being even at relatively low dosages.

Please note that the use of any performance-enhancing substance should be approached with caution, and individuals considering Ligandrol or similar compounds should consult with healthcare professionals for guidance.

Ligandrol (LGD4033) Possible Side Effects

In rare cases, Ligandrol may exhibit negative reactions, but it generally demonstrates a favorable pharmacokinetic profile when users adhere to recommended dosages and duration of administration. The active compound of the drug does not impact the concentration of hemoglobin or heart rate. Ligandrol has a dose-dependent property in inhibiting the production of testosterone and globulin, a protein responsible for binding sex hormones. After discontinuing the use of the drug, hormonal values typically return to normal within about four weeks.

Ligandrol (LGD4033) Other Information

Ligandrol dosages vary depending on the desired outcome, considering the active agent's half-life of 24-36 hours, requiring once-daily intake. For muscle volume enhancement, recommended dosages are:

  • Athletes weighing up to 80 kg: 10 mg daily for a cycle of 6-12 weeks.
  • Athletes weighing more than 80 kg: 15-20 mg daily for a cycle of 8-12 weeks.

Consuming the capsules daily after breakfast is advised. To maximize effectiveness, users should elevate daily protein intake to at least 3 g per 1 kg of body weight, maintain the right caloric intake, and engage in regular weight training workouts. Following these guidelines, many athletes have reported gaining around 8 kg over a 10-week cycle, with 6 kg attributed to muscle growth.

While Ligandrol generally causes minimal adverse reactions, high doses may temporarily reduce follicle-stimulating hormone and free testosterone. In rare instances, post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be necessary after completing a cycle to swiftly normalize male hormone levels, ensuring the preservation of gained muscles. Without PCT, hormonal concentrations return to baseline after approximately 52 days following the cessation of the drug.

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